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Butterflies are one of God’s prettiest, breathtaking creatures he created, (i soo love butterflies, after babies.) We all know that every butterfly was once a caterpillar. A butterfly struggles for hours to break free from its cocoon. But if you were to try and help it, it would die. The fight to get out is what develops the strength in its wings to fly. This is the same reason God allows us to go through tough times.

Like tiny glass windows fluttering around, they share a similar growth cycle to that of a Christian. We all at one time or another go through transformation and become a new person. The transformation might take time and be painful but the end result is always worth the hustle. 

I found the metamorphosis (life-cycle) in butterflies very similar to our journey as Christians. The butterfly goes through four stages each distinctly different from the other.each phase serves its own key purpose in the complete development of a butterfly.

The Egg

A female butterfly lays quite a number of eggs. She ensures that the habitat in which the eggs are, is free from predators and generally safe. The tiny eggs are delicate , needing protection till they hatch into larvae (caterpillar) .

The tiny eggs are symbolic. They represent new believers, who are so blue just after receiving Christ . they need protection and nourishment for growth. That’s why follow ups are critical during discipleship.  when guided lovingly , these ‘eggs’ hatch into healthy ‘caterpillars’.

The Caterpillar

When the eggs hatch, all you see are little wiggling creatures- the caterpillars. Slowly moving and always eating-Crawling all over gobbling on the dirt from the world.

It gains weight and increases in size. As as result the caterpillar outgrows its skin.

Similarly ,we start our journey with God slowly, we are constantly fed with the word, we attend fellowships, start serving in ministries . parts of our previous lifestyle start sloughing off, the old habits, friends, hangout joints and all else that hinders our progress- we outgrow them.

The Chrysalis

The caterpillar is now fully grown. They build a cocoon- protective shell- to prepare for the next stage of life. Now at this stage, the caterpillar is not aimlessly crawling  or always feeding.

This in a Christian is when God fills up the missing pieces we lost when we shed off our old ways and replaces that with His grace, love, peace, comfort, strength. We no longer feel the need to seek fulfillment from whatever is within our reach. In our cocoons we learn to be ready to hear what God has for us and what he expects us to do.

The Butterfly

Fourth and final stage. The majestic transformation from a ground,slow moving caterpillar to a sky, high flying butterfly is complete. When the butterfly breaks free from its cocoon for the first time, it is not used to its wings and new form and probably doesn’t know it can fly right away. But once it realizes its true potential and capabilities it takes off and flies around, never again to crawl on the ground. 

Entomologists have approximated 28,000 species of butterflies around the world, each one uniquely designed . butterflies feed on nectar, not dirt.

Did you know that when a butterfly emerges it cannot use its mouth ? It is true. The mouth is in two pieces. It is the butterfly’s job to join the two pieces together to form a useful unit. Only then can the butterfly successfully get nourishment.

When we have gone through the trials, temptations and have not given up, we become stronger. We are full of knowledge , we can boldly stand out for God and mentor others who are just starting their journey.  Just like the butterflies, we are all unique as the Bible clearly states… fearfully and wonderfully made.. Psalm 139:14

We as Christians must get our mouths under control as well. Failure to that, we will not be able to efficiently minister for God and we will fail in carrying out God’s purpose for our lives. …If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. James 1:26

Don’t be envious of someone else Christian life when God has prepared a unique purpose for you and by his timing he will guide you through all the stages.

Thoughts came to me as I sat and wrote about this.  What if a caterpillar decided one day that the changes were too hard and it wasn’t going to bear every stage of the cycle?  What if it decided to stay a caterpillar forever?  Well, those are crazy questions because we all know the cycle is natural, a caterpillar has no choice.  

However, lets use our imagination. What if this did happen?  We would never have as many butterflies as we do, only ugly looking, crawling caterpillars. 

We have a chance to choose growth or stagnation. If we choose to be caterpillars, we will never reach our full potential. We cannot fly if we have no wings and we won’t be as colorful – we all know most caterpillars are mono-colored.  So no matter how tough it gets, don’t quit at any stage. Fight through, the world is eagerly waiting to see the colorful butterfly you’ll  be in the end. People will be amused by your magnificent beauty, radiance, and how brightly you display the splendor of your King. With this in mind we can only choose not to die.

“What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly”- Richard Bach



  1. This is awesome encouraged and challenged

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You are always an inspiration to most of us. This applys to everyone. Keep it up dear 😍

  4. Beautiful piece. Butterfly piece 👌

  5. Thank you for reading. Blessings to you :-)

  6. I will not be caterpillar forever...
    Good piece madam Gracy

    1. Meant to be a butterfly.
      Thank you Steve. For His glory.

  7. I love the part where you say, Butterflies feed on nectar, not dirt. Beautiful!! No more being fed second hand information about God, now we get it directly for our selves as Butterflies, we must intentionally seek to feed on the Word of God.

    Love this piece, almost a year later it is still blessing my life.


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