When God in His Word, says unto us that He is our peace, our way maker, the joy giver,... He means it and He wants us to believe it.
When everything is going well with us, it's so easy to forget that we need God as our anchor.
On the flip side;
when our identity is shaken,
when we lose our only source of income, when we can't seem to be in sync with those we love (parents, siblings, SOs, friends),
when a sudden illness strikes,
when we are desperate for something...
We automatically rend to remember that there is a God and that we can pray to Him and He'll hear us.
From my perspective, being in trouble leads to Fear! Fear of losing what we having, of failing face forward... And in a way, Fear tends to drive Faith.. Fear can either sabotage us or it can push us to surrender our need for being the controllers of our own lives.
How we face fear is strongly determined by the foundation on which our lives lay.
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders in Matthew 7:24-27 paints a clear picture of matters foundation.
The house built on sand fell when the winds came blowing but the house built on a rock withstood the strong-demolishing winds.
Our lives are no different from that illustrations. There are days where we get blown away and there are days we aren't moved, not even a single inch.
Most of the time, we find ourselves laying down foundations and then asking God to keep building up, we take the lead in a process and ask God to follow suit... All that backfires on our very eyes.
Why? Because God is the foundation and He'll only continue building up that which He laid a foundation for... Not what we coerce him into.
I bet you've heard a number of times that Where God leads, He providesBut we sometimes try to arm twist Him to provide for us where He didn't lead us, right?
I love this particular scripture in
Exodus 32:15 ~~ Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with  us, do not bring us up from here.
Moses was so candid with God, like if you are not going Lord, we won't dare make a move either.
But how many times do we pose to ask God to go with us? To lead our way?
Honestly I think most times we realise that we needed God at the start when we are halfway there.
Especially when we happen to get stranded, which happens almost all the time, because we pretended to know it all,  vimbelembele,  like saying, tupatane mbele mbele.. Then kikiumana , or when our script fails to materialise we decide to rush back to God.
Well, friends! It's that time we learnt to
get out of our own ways,
take several seats πŸ’Ί and a cuppa  🍡, allow God to take the Wheel (the steering wheel, not the spare wheel we carry for emergencies),
rest in the knowledge that He knows best,
and play that background like it's an instrument (Lecrae fans, aye πŸ™‹)
🎢 Our song for today is MWAMBA by Alice Mkamboi
Like she sings Hatuna mbele wala nyuma asipotuongoza
Among other things, God is the only Legit Foundation πŸ‘Œ
So Legit that even when we hit rock bottom, He is the Rock at the Bottom. He holds us in place even though we feel like everything is falling apart.
With Him as our Foundation, we are Forever unshakeable πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
Cheers πŸ’•


  1. In Him we are forever unshakable

  2. Indeed... With God as our foundation we are unshakable.
    Today's read has just come on time. I just needed to hear the exact words 😊😊😊. Thanks wanjah you are amazing.
    Have a blessed week

    1. God is so intentional. He'll always provide what we need and when we need it. Glad that this piece spoke to you and the place you are at currently. All glory to King Jesus πŸ™Œ
      Blessings to you

  3. I feel blessed. I am blessed. Thank you for these powerful words, Ms Nyagah. Very nourishing. Enjoy your week ahead.

    1. Blessings upon blessings to you πŸ˜‡
      Have a great, productive too.


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