Long  title! I know! 

But I figured out that the long title somehow expresses the weight of the matter. Touching on every possible facet that we'll be talking about today. 
Now, Writing Is Dynamic. As a writer, you may have planned to write on a particular subject and then somewhere in between, a different idea pops up and you're convinced that you should share the most recent thought first. 
In this particular case I had a post halfway done and then somehow, I got super convinced to do another article (if we fully allow God to have His way, the Holy Spirit will always guide us, even matters concerning our creativity and when to share it). Thus, obedience is key and especially when we get to understand that our gifts are meant to benefit others.

......It's a Monday morning, I'm running late for work (Hihi, so I have set a number of alarms, like 6 of them, approximately 15 minutes apart and on some days, today included, I snooze the first three, at times I even don't open my eyes, I reach out, grab the phone, and of course my fingers have mastered where the snooze button is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) First Mask off (in case some of you thought that I get up before dawn each day) 
So I hurriedly board the ferry (kama hujui kizungumkuti ni nini basi siku moja nenda pale Likoni Ferry πŸ™†). 
Nothing's prettier than staring at the panoramic view of the ocean in the morning, enjoying the cool breeze and watching the majestic rushing waves... It always leaves me in total awe of God and His the wonderful works..
Once on the other end, my colleague and I are trying to push our way through the crowd (kizaazaa huwa ni hapa sasa) and finally we're seated in a bus, hoping that it takes the shortest time possible. Well because we can't afford to be late to work.
As I'm seated (I'm quite observant) I notice that the upper windows have these stickers on them with photos of various music artists. Some of the stickers were chipped and peeling off while others were intact, and then there's this one that didn't have a sticker. Probably someone peeled it off or that specific window was left out during the particular process of beautifying the bus. For a minute there, the clear window got my attention. Through it, I could see the upper part of tall trees, a view that the windows with the stickers  denied  me. All other windows had masks on them. I couldn't see through them, the only thing I saw was the pretty faces of artists on them. Though they looked pretty, I preferred the one that was clear.

I couldn't help but relate this to the ongoing "crisis" taking a toll on most of us Christians. 
Most often than not, we present the world with the best versions of us. We always have our best foot forward. We never want to give hints concerning our not -so-good side. 
We get to church as early as 7:00 Am every Sunday, dressed up in the most magnificent way. Attend both first and second services and other church related meetings. Share testimonials. For those of us serving in different ministries, we usher people to church in a warm manner, sing our hearts out during praise and worship, share some Bible stories with the Sunday School kids, go the extra mile to intercede for the church, families and the nation as well. Some also serve as deacons, pastors.... The list is long. Nothing is wrong with all the above. If anything, we all encourage such acts. 
But the catch is on what we do from Monday to Saturday!!!
Once Sunday's gone, we drift off to our normal selves, masks off. We mistreat and perhaps emotionally and physically abuse our spouses, gulp down a couple of alcohol bottles, engage in some forgery at the office, cheat on our spouses, engage in one-night-stands e.t.c 
And come the next Sunday, we are Saints.

This essentially means that we are living a double standard life. While it may seem to be working in the short term, it has adverse effects in the long run. A day will come when we get to a breaking point and can no longer put on more masks. The worst thing about masks is that we know too well that we are not being ourselves and we cringe at the thought of imagining what people would say or think about us if they knew who we really are on those normal days.

It's so easy for us to open up about some stuff to pretty much anybody who cares to listen while it's a huge task for us to open up about some other things. For example, we would easily say to a group of friends /Bible study buddies "Guys I'm having trouble with reading the Bible and praying." 
However, we wouldn't confidently say to anyone, "you know I'm struggling with bitterness, un-forgiveness" or even "I'm a porn- addict, I messed up now I'm pregnant, I aborted a child, we are secretly having sex"

For some reason, we have been made to believe that Christians are holier than thous, that they can't be having struggles if they're truly saved. If you are having some issues then you better cover them up nicely so that no one ever sees or hears about them. 
When we look at our pastors, worship leaders, choir members, ushers, Sunday school teachers, all we see is glory radiating from them. Never in our wildest dreams would we want to stomach in the idea that, that guy who leads praise has been watching porn for the last 5 years or that sassy lady who serves as an usher had an abortion sometime last year. 
Say what! But they're God's anointed. No? 
They can't afford to do such a thing. Unless they're not seriously born again.
This kind of attitude towards Christians is what makes most of us hold back from opening up to others. While we want to serve to our best capacity, we can not replace a personal relationship with God with serving and taking part in other religious activities. We need to start with ourselves before ministering to others.                                                                Truth is, we all have masks, but some have learnt how to put them off as soon as they realise that something is not adding up. However, some of us have resulted in adding as many layers as possible so that we appear catchy and put together. 

But like we said earlier. Masks are only short term, we can't keep masquerading and entertaining people with our "good sides" while our inner self is constantly wasting away. 
Taking off masks requires boldness and vulnerability.  We may not confess in a room full of fellow brethren, but we may do so to that one friend whom we feel comfortable with πŸ’―
Accountability provides a platform for us to be completely honest with someone else, about ourselves, our strengths, our struggles, our aspirations and also how we would like them to support us. 
Accountability also weeds out the trap of secret sins. Most times, the longer we keep a sin/struggle as a secret, the deeper we fall into the quagmire of sin and the more masks we are forced to put on.

Let no one make you feel 'less saved' because you chose to open up about the other side of you. 
Let's not quieten down anyone who wants to share their story with the teens in church, a group of young people attending a seminar. Because that's them putting off masks. 
I strongly feel that for us millennials - if nothing else -  we need to learn how to put off masks. Right from the lightest ones to the very weighty ones.

In the process of adding more layers on to the masks or completely laying down the masks, we have One with whom we can never play dumb. God! He knows us too well.

Psalms 139 : 1 ~ You have searched me, Lord and you know me (Read the whole chapter, it's full of insights and will give you a clearer perspective on why you don't need to put on a single mask.)

He clearly understands our authentic as well as our dolled up sides. The amazing thing is that, He is never caught in surprise when we start acting up, being comic and covering up our real tracks. 
The most beautiful thing is that He provides us with new opportunities to be our authentic selves.

1 John 1: 8-10 ~ If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

2 Corinthians 7: 10 ~ For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.

Titus 2: 11 - 12 ~ For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self- controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,

While He is a Merciful and Gracious God, He is a JUST one too. 
He will not allow His name be profaned. We can't go on adding layer upon later to our masks. 
Living like we used to in the days of ignorance and expect that God will be pleased with us. 
His Grace is too precious to be cheapened. 
We were bought at a price and we are certainly not our own. 
We ought to live authentic lives and glorify Him who created us.

Romans 6: 1-4 ~ What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that [God’s gift of] grace may increase and overflow? Certainly not! How can we, the very ones who died to sin, continue to live in it any longer? Or are you ignorant of the fact that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We have therefore been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory and power of the Father, we too might walk habitually in newness of life [abandoning our old ways].

2 Corinthians 5: 17 ~ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

As many masks as we may have, God is willing to help us lay them off. It all starts with admitting that we have masks and then allowing Him to peel them off and beautify us as He wills. We can do all this through Him who strengthens.

Philippians 4: 13 ~ I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose--I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]

In finality, let's not tire of puling off the masks and may we never give up on God and His promise to Revive, Redeem and Restore our Souls.

Masks Off!!


  1. Replies
    1. Karibu. Asante for reading. Blessings to you. 😊

  2. Good piece.
    You are going far Gracy...

    1. Thank you Elsie 😊
      Amen. By God's grace πŸ™Œ

  3. Thanks dear,today's article was insightful.

    1. Finallllly πŸ’ƒ
      Thank you for reading and leaving a comment 😜

  4. Spot on! I'd give Phil 2:13 as well: '...for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.'

    1. Thank you Kevin! That verse!!
      For sure, it's God who works in us. He enables us to please Him moment by moment.

  5. Replies
    1. A bitter sweet pill .. But we gotta swallow it like our life depends on it... Coz it does!

      Thank you sweetie for reading 😊

  6. ...But the catch is on what we do from Monday to Saturday!!!
    Hey "Daughter of God" You ain't just a blogger, there's a higher calling, from God, for u. Seek it out.

    1. Hello Brian 😊
      Thank you for the kind words.
      Amen and Amen.

  7. Unfortunately the more the layers the more the presence of the leaves leaving the person empty noise making character no manifestation of the fruits of the spirit and the devil will be laughing having conquered the individual ooo God have mercy on us.

  8. Gracey, I'm glad you shared this. Tell me though, how do you unmask when judgements are calling? In the times we are living, we are always looking out for ourselves because others cannot "love thy neighbor" is no longer a thing. If we can learn the art of love, then unmasking would be consequential. You would be willing to share your fails because I love you enough to overlook it and walk you out of it - you feel me? Blessings love.


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